Foire aux questions (FAQ)

Véhicules électriques et batteries de puissance lithium-ion

Comprendre et prévenir les risques


[1]. Touchette, S., Recoskie, S., Torlone, G. et MacNeil, D. (2021). La sécurité des batteries au lithium ionique : utilisation, stockage et élimination (Rapport n° NRC-EME-56232F). CNRS.

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[3]. Liu, W., Placke, T. et Chau, K. T. (2022). Overview of batteries and battery management for electric vehicles. Energy Reports, 8, 4058–4084.

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[9]. Zhang, B., Bewley, R. L., Tanim, T. R. et Walker, L. K. (2022). Electric vehicle post-crash recovery: Stranded energy issues and mitigation strategy. Journal of Power Sources, 552, article 232239.

[10]. National Transportation Safety Board. (2020). Safety Report: Safety risks to emergency responders from lithium-ion battery fires in electric vehicles (Rapport n° NTSB/SR-20/01). Auteur.

[11]. Bisschop, R., Willstrand, O. et Rosengerg, M. (2020). Handling lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles: Preventing and recovering from hazardous events. Fire Technology, 56(6), 2671-2694.

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[16]. SAE International. (2020). Surface vehicle information report: Hybrid and electric vehicle safety systems information report. Norme SAE J2990/2.

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[33]. National Fire Protection Association. (2023). Standard for the installation of stationary energy storage systems. Norme NFPA 855.

[34]. SAE International. (2023). Surface vehicle recommended practice: Best practices for storage of lithium-ion batteries. Norme SAE J3235.

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[39]. American Society for Testing and Materials. (2014). Standard specification for rubber insulating gloves. Norme ASTM D120.

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[42]. Laboratoires d’assureurs du Canada, Conseil canadien des normes et Commission électrique internationale. (2015). Live working: Electrical insulation gloves. Norme CAN/ULC 60903.

[43]. American Society for Testing and Materials. (2019). Standard specification for leather protectors for rubber insulating gloves and mittens. Norme ASTM F696-06.

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[45]. American Society for Testing and Materials. (2014). Standard specification for rubber insulating sleeves. Norme ASTM D1051.

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[54]. American Society for Testing and Materials. (2022). Standard performance specification for flame resistant and electric arc rated protective clothing worn by workers exposed to flames and electric arcs. Norme ASTM F1506.

[55]. American Society for Testing and Materials. (2022). Standard specification for arc rated eye or face protective products. Norme ASTM F2178/F2178M-22.

[56]. Association canadienne de normalisation. (2015). Casque de sécurité pour l’industrie : tenue en service, sélection, entretien et utilisation. Norme CSA Z94.1.

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[58]. American Society for Testing and Materials. (2022). Standard test method for determining arc ratings of hand protective products developed and used for electrical arc flash protection. Norme ASTM F2675/F2675M-22e1.

[59]. American Society for Testing and Materials. (2021). Standard specification for insulated and insulating hand tools. Norme ASTM F1505.

[60]. American Society for Testing and Materials. (2022). Standard specification for fiberglass-reinforced plastic (FRP) rod and tube used in live line tools. Norme ASTM F711.

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[62]. American Society for Testing and Materials. (2020). Standard guide for home laundering care and maintenance of flame resistant or arc rated clothing. Norme ASTM F2757.

[63]. American Society for Testing and Materials. (2020). Standard specification for in-service care of insulating gloves and sleeves. Norme ASTM F496.

[64]. American Society for Testing and Materials. (2022). Standard specification for in-service care of insulating blankets. Norme ASTM F479-06.

[65]. Appel à Recycler. Services pour batteries de véhicules électriques (VE). (2023). Directives d’expédition de batterie VÉ : identification, collecte et transport. Auteur.

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[69]. Vesa Linja-aho Tmi (2020, 27-30 avril). Electrical accident risks in electric vehicle service and repair – accidents in Finland and a review on research [Communication]. Rethinking transport, Helsinki, Finlande (p.2-4).

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[72]. Association française de normalisation. (2023). Travaux sous tension sur les installations électriques basses tension : mesures de prévention mises en œuvre. Partie 1 : prescriptions générales. Norme Afnor NF C 18-505-1.

[73]. Wisch, M. (2015, 8-11 août). Recommendations for safe handling of electric vehicles after severe road traffic accidents [Communication]. 24th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV), Gothenburg, Suède.

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[75]. National Fire Protection Association. (2017). Bulletin: Submerged hybrid/electric vehicles. NFPA.

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[77]. Blumhardt, H. (2021). Guidelines for the safe handling, transportation, collection, and storage of large used batteries. B.I.G. Safety and Logistics working group.

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[79]. Joshi, T., Azam, S., Lopez, C., Kinyon, S. et Jeevarajan, J. (2020). Safety of lithium-ion cells and batteries at different states-of-charge. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 167(14), article 140547.

[80]. The British Standard Institution. (2021). Electric vehicles: Safe and environmentally-conscious design and use of batteries: guide. Norme BSI PAS 7060:2021.

[81]. Fireforum. (2023). Code de bonne pratique : sécurité incendie. Thème : véhicules électriques dans les parkings (Document n° CBP VE 20231002b). Auteur.

[82]. Ruiza, V., Pfranga, A., Kristona, A., Omarb, N., Van den Bosscheb, P. et Boon-Brett, L. (2018). A review of international abuse testing standards and regulations for lithium ion batteries in electric and hybrid electric vehicles. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81(Part 1), 1427-1452.

[83]. Coates, L. et Bordes, A. (2022, 22 novembre). Batteries Li-ion : risques chimique et toxicologique [Communication]. Journée technique INRS : batteries lithium-ion : tous utilisateurs, tous acteurs de la prévention, Paris, France.

[84]. Organisation internationale de normalisation. (2022). Véhicules routiers : information pour les premiers et seconds intervenants. Partie 1: Fiche de secours pour véhicules particuliers et pour véhicules utilitaires légers. Norme ISO 17840-1:2022.

[85]. Gentilleau, M. (2022, 22 novembre). Extinction d’un feu de batterie et intervention des secours [Communication]. Journée technique INRS : batteries lithium-ion : tous utilisateurs, tous acteurs de la prévention, Paris, France.

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[88]. Funk, E., Flecknoe-Brown, K. W., Wijesekere, T., Husted, B. P. et Andre, B. (2023). Fire extinguishment tests of electric vehicles in an open sided enclosure. Fire Safety Journal, 141, article 103920.

[89]. Swedish Agency for Community Protection and Preparedness (MSB). (2023). Demonstration of quench method for lithium ion batteries. Method application at different levels of aggregation: Module, sub-battery, electric pack and vehicle level (Rapport n° MSB2184). Auteur.

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[91]. National Fire Protection Association. (s.d.). Electric vehicle safety online training.

[92]. Automotive Retailers Association. (2020). OHS Responsibilities and industry: Supported safe work practices for the handling, dismantling, storage and transportation of electric vehicles and high voltage batteries. ARA.

[93]. Centre de formation EDUCAM. (s.d.). Travailler en toute sécurité sur des HEV (Document n° EDU 100 V4.0). Auteur.

[94]. Wazneh, H. et Audet-Paradis, F. (2022). Étalonnage des meilleures pratiques pour l’entreposage des batteries à lithium-ion. Centre RISC.

[95]. Commission canadienne des codes du bâtiment et de prévention des incendies. (2020). Code national de prévention des incendies : Canada 2020.

[96]. St-Denis, K. (2024). Table provinciale sur les véhicules électriques : rapport d’activités. École nationale des pompiers Québec.

[97]. National Transportation Safety Board. (2020). Safety risks to emergency responders from lithium-ion battery fires in electric vehicles (Rapport n° NTSB/SR-20/01). NTSB.